Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Prompt 6: A Taste of Home

Preschool children:  
Favorite Food:  Print this picture for your child to color and discuss with you.  One sentence lets you record your child’s thoughts at this age and has a line for you to share your own thoughts with your child.

School agers: 
What food do you make together as a family?  Print this page and tell us about it.

Essay prompt:  Just as every dish has a distinct flavor, a unique taste that identifies the ingredient, so also every work has a distinctive style unique to its creator.  What flavor do you add to your work?  How can we tell it is your own?

Poetry prompt:  We often forget how words feel in our mouths; some are as delicious as our favorite snacks.  Write a poem that plays with the feelings of the words.  Feel free to use assonance, alliteration, consonance, and other sound devices.

Lifestory prompt: Tastes often bring us back to a certain place at a certain time.  What is a taste that you always associate with a particular part of your past?

If you would like (and if it is okay with your parent or guardian), you can sign a submission form and return the form and your writing to the library.  Stories will be posted together on this blog beginning November 29th.  The stories will be publishes as a book in the spring of 2014.

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