Monday, July 1, 2013

There's Nothing Like Fireworks

Preschool children: 

Fireworks: Print this picture for your child to color and discuss with you.  One sentence lets you record your child’s thoughts at this age and has a line for you to share your own thoughts with your child.

School agers: 

Fireworks:  There’s nothing like the fireworks.  Print this page and use it to write a story about a time you’ve seen fireworks.


Essay prompt:  Fireworks use the same gunpowder as weapons, but they celebrate peace instead.  Each of us also has a dual nature, and the same traits that get us in trouble can also be used to our advantage.  Describe one of these traits in yourself.  Be sure to explain through specific examples how it has both helped and hurt you.

Poetry prompt:  Fireworks!  Use onomatopoeia (words whose meanings are reflected in their sounds) to enliven a poem about the sounds of summer.

Lifestory prompt 1:  (Monday) There’s nothing like the fireworks.  Tell a memorable story of watching the fireworks.

If you would like (and if it is okay with your parent or guardian), you can sign a submission form and return the form and your writing to the library.  Stories will be posted together on this blog beginning in November and in a book in the spring of 2014. 

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