Monday, July 15, 2013

There's Nothing Like a Tunnel

Preschool children: 

Tunnels:  Print this picture for your child to color and discuss with you.  One sentence lets you record your child’s thoughts at this age and has a line for you to share your own thoughts with your child.

School agers: 

There’s nothing like a tunnel!  Print this page and use it to write a story about a tunnel you’ve been through.  It could be one you drove through in a car, a tunnel that you saw dug by a mole, or even a tunnel you made under the covers of your bed.


Essay prompt:  Sometimes you need to dig in order to move forward.  Tell about a time that you had to tunnel for information.  Was it worth it?

Poetry prompt:  Use visual poetry to give the effect of moving under and over.

Lifestory prompt 1:  (Monday) There’s nothing like the tunnels.  Come on, guys.  We’re from Pittsburgh.  Give me a tunnel story here—from traffic to construction to simply heading over the wrong bridge and through the wrong tunnels, you must have a story!

If you would like (and if it is okay with your parent or guardian), you can sign a submission form and return the form and your writing to the library.  Stories will be posted together on this blog beginning in November and in a book in the spring of 2014. 

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